
63 days. 5 states. 2 countries. 0 flats. $1,335 raised. Innumerable tortillas. Total mileage: 2,787. ish. The numbers hardly capture the journey, and neither can the photos and writing in this blog, really. Though we rode the same roads the whole way down, even Lluc and I have had entirely different trips. Given the bias, it's been as best of a document of 'how it was then' as I could supply, though its meaning to me and to others is sure to change. I reached the Arc of Cabo San Lucas on November 2nd, only a day after we had anticipated arriving there in the itinerary we wrote back in Seattle. I wouldn've pictured getting there alone, but alas, our jouney does not really end in Cabo. Old friends may be apart or together, but they never lose sight of each other. It wasn't a place I was looking to spend too much time, and Lluc had already been cooling it for a while in Todos Santos, so the next morning I got back on the bike and rode another full day, Northwards a...